Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Soul Journer's Truth... Our Birth Story

My "Activated" Star~Seeds of "Remembering" started to take Root in me when my sun was conceived in 2004. During My 1st Trimester of Pregnancy... I closed my Healing Arts practice, sold my house & car and gifted most of my belongings. I was finally free to "go back to Earth school". My Pregnant-See-Soul-Journey and Vision Quest led me to Hawaii, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa and Indonesia. I was downloading messages from my Womba and receiving lessons from Great Mother and Her huge army of Midwives, Sangomas and Traditional healers every Step of the Way. I felt so primal, healthy and strong. I arrived in Bali when I was 3 Moons away from delivery. My "Plan" was to return to Big Island and give birth with Pele's Power & Blessing. But as Fate would have it, Bali called us home; to stay. In the End, I chose an unassisted Water Birth on the beach in Bhuitan East Bali.

My waters released at 6pm while I was having dinner with new friends in Candidasa. I knew that All was in divine and perfect order, so I stay and enjoyed my dinner and time with sisters. About 3 hours later I heard the ocean calling me and I felt the need to retreat. I hopped on a motorbike and went back to Lumbung Damuh. I took alot of slow belly dancing walks on the beach and many many showers. My final destination was the bathtub. The water was cold because I had long since used up all the hot water but I still felt in the zone and deeply rooted. :-) I chose to be physically "alone" during our Birth but there were 13 Ancestors and Midwives holding deep and sacred space for me. (Not to mention, one real live siStar Ibu and Midwife "on Back Up call" in Nyuh Kuning)

It was a fantastic unassisted gentle and empowering Water Birth! I only had one moment of temporary insanity (aka fear). It was when I breathed/pushed his head out and I saw his face under the water. I felt my inner wisdom tell me to relax and WAIT for the next wave~contraction. My human mind worried about him not being able to breathe under water, and just as quickly as that fear came to the surface one of my sassy Spirit Bidans said; "Child don't you know that he wasn't breathing in yo belly! Cut out that nonsense, squat and use what ya got. You'll thank me later." I trusted her. I trusted me and I trusted the powers that BE. Moments later I had a beautiful strange orgasmic release that marked blessing's earthly beginnings. (At that time I never knew that orgasms could be a part of B=birth so that was a nice unexpected surprise:-) And I now know that by listening and waiting for the next wave. I did indeed come through my first birth tear free.

Sometime after birth my sister friends arrived and a real live midwife "checked" me. Visually confirming there was no tearing. I participated and witnessed my first cord burning and within a couple of hours ate my "ari ari" (placenta) cooked medium well with lots of coconut oil, garlic and rosemary. It was truly a great birth and the best "On the Job" training one could ask for. :-)

Needless to say I arrived in Indonesia on a 30 day Tourist Visa and we stayed for 3 years. We became an interconnected part of our local village in Penestanan and we are blessed to be part of a big and beautiful extended family. I know first hand that "It takes a Village to Raise a Child" and many many many Mamas to help us stay calm cool and collected. :-)

I will not pretend that I know exactly where this traditional birthing path will lead. Every time I think I figured something out, life throws me a "Have you considered this" curve ball that keeps me on my toes. I'm always yearning to learn more. It's a good thing I love to play and that I have great teachers and team mates.:-) The child in me plans to stay open to magical enchantment and simply live my way into the next chapter. I Remember soooooooooo much and I have SOOOOOOOOO much to learn! My heart and hands are open to the journey as it unfolds.

"From the Womb Archives of Mama RainMa"

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